Annual Events

Valier's Ice Fishing Derby is held each year in January on Lake Frances. Cash awards for top three biggest Perch and Pike! 100% payout! Great raffle prizes, too!

The Lake Frances Triple P (Paddle, Pedal, Pace) is a kayak triathlon which includes kayak (1.5 miles), bike (12 miles), & run (3 miles) legs. It will be held at Lake Frances, Valier and showcase the lake and views of the Rocky Mountain Front.
Visit our website and Facebook Page!
Homesteader Hustle Fun Run is a 5K fun run and walk held in June during Homesteader Days in Valier, MT. The run benefits the Valier Food Pantry. Run, walk, stroll, or crawl! Visit our Facebook Page!

The 2023 Annual Homesteader Days celebration is scheduled for June 23-25 in Valier, Montana.
Events include a Poker Run on Friday evening, with Homesteader Hustle Fun Run Parade, Vendors and more throughout the weekend.

The VADC sponsors a Winter Light Display Competition for businesses and residential properties with a KickOff Event in the park featuring music, pastries and hot drinks. A trophy and cash award is given to the business or resident showcasing the best display of Holiday Spirit and/or Vintage Valier.
The VADC sponsors a community BBQ held in the downtown park with games and entertainment for Valier businesses and residents. Enjoy complimentary hamburgers and hot dogs, potato salad, beans and root beer floats. Lemonade, tea, and water for beverages.
Please join us for an evening of food, fun, friends, and a few games - corn hole and ladder golf.
Bring your own chairs!